Thursday 28 February 2008


As part of the Assignment I have to document comments I make in response to other peoples blog's and in response to the comments they make on mine. This is what this post is for.


I think the need for excitement is a good point. But you could always split up with the person that you're with in order to find someone new and exciting! Although I suppose there is always that thrill of 'will I/wont I get caught'.

posted in reply to Toni's comment on my blog Infidelity Flirting and Little White Lies


I have my bellybutton pierced and 3 piercings in one ear and 1 in the other because I liked how they look. I agree that some people get percings because of peer pressures, it still seems odd to some people if a girl of a certain age doesnt have her ears peirced. My mum wouldnt let me get mine done until I 10 when most of the girls I knew had their ears pierced from a much younger age. And I think that the only reason someone would be offended by anothers peircing would be because it wasnt something that they were not used to. You've made a good point mentioning the fact that hairstyle/tattoos/piercings don't matter so much when trying to get a job because it helps show that society is moving on and becoming more open towards things/people who are different from the norm.

posted on Teleka's blog Why pierce?


Firstly I'd like to point something out to 'c' - there are more than 73,000 people living with HIV in the UK. This figure have TREBLED IN THE PAST 10 YEARS! and the numbr of people living with HIV, all over the world, is on the increase. So it is MORE COMMON nowerdays than ever before! (not less common like you said)

And to '$Lady T$' I think that making a film about that topic is a good thing. It is supposed to be shocking and make an impact on you (which is obviously has) and make you double think about putting yourself in that situation. If it wasnt realistic then it would not have so much of an impact on people and they wouldnt take it so seriously.

See here for more infro - World Aids Day - HIV statistics

posted on $Lady T$'s blog That Film..........!!!!!!!


I agree that getting a tattoo that is cool or fashionalble is always a bad idea. If it was something you did just as part of some sort of fad you're bound to regret it. However if you have spent the time thinking about getting a tattoo that has some sort of meaning to you personaly, regardless of what other think, then I can see little reason why you would regret it in the future. Many of the aged people who I have spoken to who have tattoos always have some sort of story that goes along with it, aswell as a lot of the middle aged people. But you're right, it's not for everyone.

posted on borsook's blog My body is my castle!


That is a good point. But then again, maybe that is the reason some people choose to have an affair? To say 'Look - I'm in this relationship, but I also have this little bit on the side. I'm doing pretty well for myself'.

posted in reply to Babii Nikki's comment on my blog Infidelity Flirting and Little White Lies


I don't agree with that, nope. I'll agree that it's become more common and less controversial but it doesnt mean that the interesting stories have been lost. But I'm sure if you ask someone from one of the groups (punk, soldier, sailor - especially old skoolers) & I'm sure you'll get some great stories from them

posted in reply to borsook's comment on my blog The Human Canvas


$Lady T$ - If those children who took part in the scene were below the legal age of consent parental permission should have been required for them to take part, and a parent would have been present at the filming. There is a strong possibility that those involved were actually above the legal age of consent and just dressed up to look older. It is not as if they were forced into doing it for perverse reasons, the situation will have been fully explained to them and I'm sure that they had the chance to opt out of it. They are actors after all.

posted on $Lady T$'s blog That Film..........!!!!!!!

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