Thursday 24 April 2008

Virtual Killing Spree - Violent Video Games

Lots of people I know enjoy playing some, quite graphically, violent video games. But is this really a bad thing? I don't think that it necessarily is. Most of theses lads (and I'm not being sexist, it is normally the lads that choose to play these games) are not actually violent people, yet they still enjoy the violent nature of these kinds of games.

Some people feel that in playing such violent games, people become desensitised to them and then need further violence to regain the kicks the first got. They also seem to feel that this means people will become violent to others, 'living out' what they are playing. However, although this seems to have happened in a few cases, it is extremely rare. And the individuals that commit these sorts of acts have a distorted view on reality are are not all that mentally stable, regardless of the fact that they have played violent video games.

Other feel that people will fulfil their needs for violence in playing violent games which means that they are less likely to commit violent crimes against others. They substitute real violence for harmless role-play violence.

In my opinion violent video games are alright, as long as young children are not playing games that are rated above their age (the ratings are there for a reason after all) and as long as playing on these sorts of games does not become more than just a habit. Results of research into this area are mixed so I'll leave you to make up your own mind.


Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Aggression - an article suggesting that video games have little or no effect on aggression

Violent Video Games Produce Violent Behavior - a different article with the view that they in fact do cause violent behavior

Censors Ban 'Brutal' Video Game - BBC article reporting the ban the video game 'Man Hunt 2' with reference to the controversy of 'Man Hunt' after the murder of Warren LeBlanc in 2004.

Video game controversy - a Wikipedia article which contains a history of video game controversy and video game legislation around the world

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