Friday 25 April 2008

A Bad Trip

Personally I feel that taking drugs is your own choice. If you want to play Russian Roulette with your life that is your own choice. However, I think that the underground world related to drugs is a terrible thing.

There are so many drugs on the market and many of them are becoming more widely available - and cheaper.

I think that there are a lot of reasons why people get drawn into the drug world. One of the main ones being that drug related horror stories, as horrible and distressing as they may be, are not that common.

We don't hear about drug related deaths every day, unless they are very high profile and mostly celebrity - cases recently could include the death of Heath Ledger and the very sad case of Natasha Collins and Mark Speight. However there have been some non-celebrity cases which have been quite high profile and caused a lot of controversy such as the drug related deaths of Rachel Whitear and Leah Betts.

Another reason is the fact that they are becoming more widely available and cheaper to buy. People won't think twice about trying/using them if they are so easy to get hold of and don't take so much out of their pocket. However there are lots of serious problems related to this. Firstly the cheapness of drugs means that dealers can get people hooked at a younger age and then rip them off once they are truly addicted. Secondly in some cases the reason drugs are becoming cheaper is because they are being mixed with other substances, meaning that they are less pure and a lot more dangerous, and a small amount of a drug goes a lot further.

Like is said before, it's up to you if you want to play Russian Roulette with your life - drugs are the way to go.

FRANK - a very good source of information and advice about drugs, definitely worth a look.

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